NCC is pleased to announce the completion of the Historic Restoration and Renovation of Munroe Hall on Middlebury College’s Main Campus.
Built in 1947, this four-story masonry structure faced significant energy, classroom layout, and accessibility challenges. The scope of the year-long renovation addressed these challenges with site and building reconfigurations, thorough air sealing and insulation, new high performance windows, complete building mechanical and electrical system replacement, as well as the restoration of architectural millwork and detailing.
Of particular note is the success of measures undertaken to decrease Munroe Hall’s building air leakage. While an entire building envelope upgrade was not feasible, the replacement of all existing windows and the addition of spray foam at the attic level, decreased Munroe’s air leakage rate by 56%, bringing it into the realm of high performance. These results bode well for increased future occupant comfort and reduced operational costs, while further reinforcing the value of envelope improvements in preserving our region’s beautiful Historic structures.
Congratulations to the entire Project Team: Middlebury College, Black River Design Architects and their Design Team, and our talented subcontractors and trades. A job very well done!
Learn more about this beautiful project at: https://www.neagleychase.com/case_study/middlebury-college-munroe-hall/