Our company’s 40-year history is rooted in high quality craftsmanship. The foundation of the company was built on quality and a keen eye towards craftsmanship — and those priorities have stayed with us from the beginning. Today, we employ an exceptional group of skilled craftsmen, many who have been on the NCC team for more than 20 years. We understand the importance of meeting the goals and expectations of your project, and our hardworking, professional field crew delivers just that.
NCC has several in-house talents and capabilities, including: millwork fabrication and installation, wood and metal framing, casework and trim, siding and flashing, doors, frames and hardware installation, specialties installation, and installation of exterior insulated metal wall panel assemblies.
In addition, our workforce can complete work that is typically not cost-effective when performed by subcontractor work forces — wall blocking, safety railings, temporary enclosures, etc. We utilize the NCC team when it makes the most sense from a quality control, financial, market conditions, or scheduling standpoint.
23 years
Average length of employment of each of our 5 lead carpenters.